BRENU industry with advanced technology and strong R&D capacity, has become the leader in packing market and the best partner proving quality deign and manufacture to worldwide for filling machines, capping machines, labeling machines, packing machine, conveyor and complete packing systems, besides continues high growth, high quality and high value in filler, capper and labeler, BRENU has extended it’s business into complete production line solution of cosmetic, food,pharmaceutical, home care, lube oil and so on.
Brenu History
BRENU founded in 1952,the family owned and operated business is in its third generation, an export share over 80% is indicative of the company’s international standing, BRENU has accompanied many clients who grow from small factories into multinational companies. because of the trust from clients at the beginning, BRENU is a supplier who can provide the A to Z a complete producing line service, as a result of engaging interaction with clients and other professional.
we never give up buyer for manual machinery request,also try to design the whole line including carton machine, 3D wrapping machine,bottle unscramblers, bottle rinsers and washers, sleeve labeling machines, tamper-evident neck-banders, heat tunnels, tube fillers and sealers, heat sealing machines, hot stamps,shrink,ink ject dat coders, conveyor and others packing machine and process machinery.
Every machine has it story, the following case study, almost of them are the effort that we works together with our clients,hope you can find a useful answer, Moreover, hope you can join us in near future ...

What’S Customers Say

BRENU grow up because of buyer, they give us suggestion from their experience, we grow up together .we will provide a high-quality, easy-to-use, complete line of packaging equipment to support the operations and growth of our customers’ unique products while supplying our equipment free of deficiencies, and in a timely manner
Listens buyer requirement carefully, thinks their actual need actively, then submit the best project solution to solves their issues in the producing process, make the high quality machine as the competitively priced, customers that are like us…confident, goal-oriented people who recognize the link between having the best quality tools for the job and being economically successful.